TGJ Podcast 118

Mark Broadie Thinks Putting Is Overrated

The godfather of Strokes Gained sees the game in fractions
Mark Broadie podcast

We’ve all heard it, and most of us have absentmindedly quoted it after a pulled shortie: “Drive for show, putt for dough.” But after speaking with Mark Broadie, the man behind the game-changing Strokes Gained model, we’re rethinking that position. The Columbia University business professional joins Tom Coyne live in the Broken Tee Society Discord server to unpack golf’s ongoing data revolution, and explain why the answers to your inflating handicap lie in places you wouldn’t expect.

Photos courtesy of Charles Schwab Challenger Series

About the Guest

Mark Broadie is the Carson Family Professor of Business at Columbia Business School. In the mid-2000s, he developed the Strokes Gained model by manually tracking and analyzing thousands of golf shots from amateurs at his club in Pelham, New York.

After gaining access to the PGA Tour’s shot-tracking data, Broadie refined his model, then released his seminal book Every Shot Counts in 2014. He now works on the USGA handicap research team, operates the GolfMetrics stat-tracking app, and advises a number of professional and amateur players.