“Holding the club head, he said, ‘Here,’ and extended the 4-iron’s grip toward me. I reached for it. ‘Not like that. Take it like you’re shaking a hand…’ I reached for it again. ‘There you go.’ Welcome to golf.”
“Everyone shook their head, but no one seemed overly concerned. If a rented club disappears in the middle of the night, life at Bob-O-Link goes on.”
“The bag has visited more than 20 states….It’s been carried in Canada and Dubai….It’s been to Pebble Beach, Scotland, Sand Valley, Ireland and Bethpage. In a November 2019 Instagram post, Shreffler wrote, ‘When I die, please reincarnate me as this bag.’”
Golf in its purest form. Delivered direct to your door.
“Here was a complex man vigorously arguing against the plans of a man whose reputation he essentially created. Still, for those who knew him, his plea made sense: Wind was unusually clear in his public profile as a defender of the game’s traditional virtues.”
“It’s a rare gift to play just one of the world’s most-renowned par 3s during a round. Kingston Heath offers two on its back nine.”
“What began as the politest of middle fingers to the city had officially morphed into full-blown street art.”
“The idea of a blazer with a crest patch on the pocket and insignia-punched brass buttons may seem a bit much in the iPhone era, but then again this is a sport whose most famous prize is, in fact, a green jacket.”
“I’ve heard on-course confessions of infidelity, of financial jeopardy, of teens who hated their father’s guts with heartbreaking and inscrutable intensity.”
The Golfer’s Journal is the perfect gift for every golfer.
“Such anonymity is, in part, the nature of the beast. Behind the wire means behind the wire, whether it’s nuclear-armed submarines or dogleg par 4s.”
“The most difficult thing is admitting when there’s a problem.”
“This is a celebration of those who will do anything to play. The diehards who will use any transport possible to get to—and through—the course.”
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“More and more are taking a step back to old-school greenskeeping and working with the land they’ve got rather than pumping chemicals in an effort to recreate Augusta or
“The factories around here have gone away. Those of us without a skill scrambled for whatever we could get. The country club can help, but you gotta know golf.”
Safety on the Knife’s Edge
Life, death and the healing power of watching someone else tee off.
“Though it’s just a cold, flat, glass screen, I can instantly smell the salty ocean breezes….Some days I can even feel the plush grass under my feet.”