“He explained it was a trip to stir the golfing soul, a handmade nine-holer we had to see to believe. We couldn’t resist.”

Women of a Certain Era
The best way to get closer to the legend behind Pasatiempo, Cypress and Pebble is to play from her tees.
“[Seth] Raynor remarked to [Marion] Hollins that it was a pity the carry over the ocean was too long for a hole. Hollins disagreed….She took a club and sailed the ball from the top of one cliff to the other.”

Temples of Worship
To some they are merely golf rooms, but for their creators they hold sanctified status.
“Golf, with its first-tee buffets of free collectibles, plus its pre- and post-round shopping rituals—it is no wonder some of us have more stuff than we have space.”

The Hard Truth About Lido
A walk with the ghosts of America’s greatest lost course, and its rusted remains.
“The course had all the template holes that make today’s historians quiver, and the praise seemed hyperbolic. Bernard Darwin called it ‘the finest golf course in the world,’ and Claude Harmon Sr. said it was ‘the greatest golf course—ever.’”
Golf in its purest form. Delivered direct to your door.

“During the summer, if I wasn’t covering a tournament, I’d skip out of work by four o’clock or so and drive straight to Mid Pines. Even stray dogs and fire ants knew better than to come out in the stifling heat of the day, so I’d have the place largely to myself.”

The Japanese saying “hometown of my heart” has special meaning for Taku Miyamoto, who now trains his lens on his native land.
“‘Until 2011, I was only admiring and thinking about courses outside of Japan, but I felt like it was wrong that I had not photographed courses in my birth country.’”

The Prior’s Tale
Mike Kiely has Palmer and Nicklaus stories, but they pale in comparison to the impact he’s had on the more than 4,000 caddies under his watch at Canterbury.
“At this point, the jokes made at Canterbury comparing Kiely and Lou Loomis, the fictional, gruff, gambling caddie master in Caddyshack, are countless. They’re funny because they’re true.”

“You know what else stroke play can eliminate? The fun. Like them or not, good fortune, rotten luck, tree branches, cart paths, wild animals and even the occasional appliance are all part of our beloved game, and match play celebrates it all.”
The Golfer’s Journal is the perfect gift for every golfer.

“As I stood over each shot, all I wanted to do was turn and apologize in advance to him for what was to come.”

27’s 27
William Howard Taft remains the only man to be chief justice and president of the United States, but in Kebo Valley, he is better known for one historically bad hole.
“Taft, if folklore holds true, did not struggle with the tree, or the brook. His fate turned in the bunker that would come to bear his name.”
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“‘If they see how much you have, the good ones will take it all,’ my dad once told me.”

“To be a Black golfer in the age of Tiger is somehow both aspirational and stifling….Black golfers before me got to choose between Lee Elder or Calvin Peete or Jim Thorpe.”

“Gimmes are well-intentioned and serve a purpose. And when you’re trying to win no matter the name of the game, it’s time to examine the dark arts of using them to your advantage.”