“Being in Scotland alone on a $20 Harry Colt golf course is something I didn’t know was possible. But I’m damn glad it is.”

Crossing Over
Classic cars, modern art and heavy-metal golf sets The Bridge apart on Long Island.

“Thanks to Bernard, golf has acquired the sturdiest literature of any game. The best of it is Darwin’s and the rest is as good as it is largely because he showed the writers who came after him how golf could and should be written.”

“Mediocre golf offers a return to the roots of the sport. The courses bend the golfers to their will. There’s a beauty and elegance in watching a struggle that feels to me like golf in its elemental form.”

Yardage Book: No. 6 at The Creek
A twist on the standard template created an enduring classic.

Golf in its purest form. Delivered direct to your door.

“Don’t misunderstand: I will still complain vociferously about a crap lie. I will curse the golf gods. I will take Alister MacKenzie’s name in vain. But I won’t move my ball.”

The Dodo that Saved Scioto
Retracing the shocking discovery that inspired a celebrated redesign.

The Golfer’s Journal is the perfect gift for every golfer.